Tag Archives: spring boot

Integrating Spring AI Framework in Your Java Application

This blog post will integrate the Spring AI framework into a Java application. We’ll use a simple project that includes a ChatService and a ChatController to demonstrate using the Spring AI framework to generate text & image responses and horoscopes based on user input.

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Using Spring Boot to invoke ChatGPT/OpenAI API

OpenAI provides us the ability to invoke its features via RESTful APIs. This blog shows how to invoke the API using Spring Boot. There is nothing special here and no OpenAI Java libraries that I use. One can do the same in standard Java (non-spring) or even in more concise code with Nodejs. But here goes a sample with Spring Boot.

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Metrics with Spring Boot, Prometheus and Grafana

Capturing metrics from your system is critical to understanding its internal behavior and to tune its performance. Without this you are operating in the blind. In this post we will go through how you can gather metrics from a Spring Boot application using Prometheus, Grafana and Micrometer.

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